Announcement by FLY EAGLE JET

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Dear all friends:

My name is James. I am writing this for FLY EAGLE JET. Sorry, we must write English due to we really can not write German.

Here we would like to explain our relationship with Stefan (Jets-Unlimeted). Stefan was our customer at first time. After a while, he ordered some models for his friends (Paul and (Hebecker). They finally worked together and sell models to other customers in Germany. So, they also ordered more models during that time. Anyway, all models they ordered have been sent to Stefan (Jets-Unlimeted) already since May, 2009.
(We have all shipping information records)

Here, we must apologized we have delayed the orders. But not longer like what he said 10 months. One of delay reasons is the payment was not clear. The final shipment, we did not receive the final payment. So, we really could not ship the models out until the payment was clear.

Anyway, after we cleared up the payment with Stefan, we shipped all models out to him. After some days, Stefan told me he got all models, but some models were damaged due to truck driver mistake to throw boxes onto truck when delivering models to his address and caused some damaged on some models.

I told Stefan, what can we help on the point? He answered to me “No thing you can help” I told him that the driver needs to handle the damage due to his mistake. He said he will handle this case.

After a while, he told me again. Totally 7 models got damage during shipping. I told him to make some photos to show me. I can ask shipping company to handle this situation. We also can help him to resolve this problem. He said he would make some photos to show me. But, until now, we never have damage photos. How can we know the models got damage if we do not see model damage photos?

During Jet Power 2009, we were there and we also had discussed this shipping damage case with Stefan. We asked Stefan to make some photos to show us the damage models again. If the damage is true, we can help him to produce fuselage for him. But we must see the damage photos. If not, how can we know the models got damage? Until know, we never see damage photos either.

We are a reliable company. We sell models and we will do the service for customer. We treat all customers same, no matter which country or where you are. If a model gets damage while shipping, we will handle the shipping damage for customer, such as offering some compensation or whatever etc.

Now, we need to clear one more thing. We (FLY EAGLE JET) have a dealer in Germany. Our dealer is website:

Modellbau Pollack also sells our model in Germany too.

If you have any question, you can contact our dealer in Germany or you also can send email to us We love to do the service for you.

Note: This is an announcement. We will not reply any question here. If you have any question, you can send email to




Florian: Ruf ihn doch einfach eben an - ich hatte mit ihm schon über einige Dinge gesprochen - es hat sich dann alles geklärt! Ruf ihn an oder Mail ihm direkt was!

Ich finde es ist an dieser Stelle auch genug! Müssen sich schon Dealer und Hersteller hier im Forum angiften!? Weis nicht für welche Seite das gut sein soll!

Wenn es um Bilder geht von schlechten Bausätzen oder Spannten die nicht vernünftig verklebt sind stelle ich hier auch mal liebend gerne welche von deutschen Herstellern rein! So 30-40 Bilder habe ich da wohl aufn Rechner!

Ich möchte mich nicht auf der Seite der Chinesen stellen aber irgendwo in der Mitte vieleicht! Kein Mensch darf hier mehr was schreiben ohne das 2-3 bestimmte Schlüsselfiguren gleich auf die "Chinaistschrottschiene" ankommen und alles in der gleichen Scheis..... endet!

Wenn die Jungs mir Schrott liefern bin ich am Draht - ob nun China- oder deutscher Schrott!

Ich finde es armselig und überflüssig! Nun haben doch beide Seiten ein Statement abgegeben und gut ists!

Since you love the service...

Since you love the service...

Dear my friends James,
that you now get for the second time because my emails are either not answered or if then only with regard to your building instructions.
Look at your leg attachment and tell me whether you find this to be good. How could I test the leg attachment?
Since you love the service I am looking forward to your reply.
Photos I have.

Please look here:


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